Miracle-Gro FastRoot Dry Powder Rooting Hormone review


Hello everyone! Summer is just around the corner and Iโ€™ve been busy working on my garden. I have a few plants that have grown a lot and they needed to be trimmed or split into two so that I could transfer the other half into the patchy areas of my yard. One of these plants is my ever-growing vintage peony. I like it a lot and it leaves a nice fragrance around my yard. Iโ€™m not sure if I could find this plant again nowadays. Itโ€™s really the old-world type, and I suspected that this plant was planted probably by the first owners of my house, back in the 19forgottens. Since I like it a lot, I decided to grow more of this plant by using a rooting hormone.


Miracle-Gro FastRoot Dry Powder Rooting Hormone


I use rooting hormones quite often especially when I want to multiply my Roses. The process is fast, easy, and it works with a lot of plants, especially Peonies. The growing process might be slow which does require a bit of patience, but itโ€™s a rewarding one.


So, for this review, Iโ€™ll show you how I grow new plants from cuttings using the Miracle-Gro FastRoot Dry Powder Rooting Hormone ($5.99).


See the steps below.




rooting hormone review


*seedling pots are from Lowes, but are also available via Amazon. Make sure itโ€™s filled with gardening soil or potting mix. I like this ONE.

*gloves are from Digz, similar style HERE. Iโ€™ve been using it for a long time and itโ€™s still holding up pretty well.

*rooting hormone powder, I like the ones from Miracle-Gro.

*cutting/s from the new growth of a plant, choose the one with a branch. You may or may not cut the leaves.


Step 1. Cut a small part of a plantโ€™s new growth (Cutting). Make sure that it has a tiny branch/branches.


Step 2. Prepare biodegradable seedling pots by filling it up with gardening soil or potting mix.


Step 3. Pour a bit of dry powder rooting hormone into a piece of paper (which I formed into a box/container).

micracle gro fast root rooting hormone review


Step 4. Dip the bottom of the cutting into the rooting powder and tap off excess.

Miracle-Gro FastRoot Dry Powder Rooting Hormone

Step 5. Stick the bottom of the cutting into the seedling pot filled with soil, and carefully press the soil around it, to make it more stable.



Step 6. Spray the cutting inside the pot with water. This waters the cutting softly and prevents it from moving around the soil, as opposed to normal watering using a hose.


Step 7. Place the pot in a sunny area and keep it moist.


The cutting will develop new growth in approximately 3-4 weeks. Take a look at this peony cutting I did 3.5 weeks ago. Once the cutting has grown, you may transfer it into a larger pot.


Miracle-Gro FastRoot Dry Powder Rooting Hormone plant cloning


I tend to have a high success rate by using the Miracle-Gro FastRoot Rooting Hormone, but just to be on the sure side, itโ€™s better to have a few cuttings to grow rather than one when doing this plant-cloning technique.


Happy gardening everybody!


The Miracle-Gro FastRoot Dry Powder Rooting Hormone is currently available at Amazon or at any gardening and home improvement stores.