byredo rinse-free hand wash


Hey all! Curious what the Byredo Rinse-Free Hand wash is like? I’ve got two of them to review in this post. I, for sure, have been wondering what this uber-luxurious hand product is like. How does it feel? Does it smell nice? Is it moisturizing?


The Byredo Rinse-Free Hand Wash is marketed as alcohol-based, moisturizing, and is different from the other Byredo Hand Wash that comes in large dispensers. This product is more of a luxurious hand sanitizer to me, even though it can’t really be qualified as such because its alcohol content is only 30%. Therefore, it cannot kill any viruses or bacteria. You can probably say that this could also be a hybrid between a hand wash and a hand sanitizer. Whatever its purpose is, I can see that this is definitely marketed as a luxury product for the hand.


I usually use this for when my hands may need to be sanitized but making sure that I did not completely touch any soiled objects. Since this product contains less alcohol, your hands won’t dry at all. It actually somewhat feels moisturizing and, yeah, total luxe. However, this will never be a good substitute for a typical hand sanitizer unless Byredo will reformulate this product.


byredo suede hand wash review



Suede – This doesn’t really smell like suede, but more of a fancy fresh soapy scent. I like the scent a lot, and it never seems to be boring. I kind of like this scent better than the rose one.


byredo rose rise free hand wash


Rose – This has a very distinctive scent that smells rosy and musky at first application. The muskiness seems to stay for a while and can get a little too much for my nose. There are times that I can tolerate the scent, and there are times that I can’t. Because of that, I seem to like the Suede scent more.


Bottom line, I’m definitely curious what the other Byredo hand wash smells like. But for now, I think I’m settling with my industrial-grade hand sanitizer while the vid is still around.


byredo rose rinse-free hand wash

Are you a fan of these? What are your current favorite hand sanitizers?